AGM_Minutes final.doc (52,5 kB)
Auditors Remarks 2010.jpg (870,3 kB)
Balance sheet 31 March 2010.jpg (1,2 MB)
Inc Exp 2009 2010.jpg (1,3 MB)
Min_of_Meet_July_30_2010[1].doc (72 kB)
Recpt Payment 2009 2010.jpg (1 MB)
Sarkar AGM Speech 2010.docx (15,6 kB)
Min_of_Meet_oct_13_2010[1].doc (45,5 kB)
Req for leasing flat.doc (36 kB)
The Annual General meeting of the Sarkar Tower Co-Operative Housing Society Limited will be held on Aug 08 2010 at 10.30 AM at Sarkar Tower Co-Operative Housing Society Limited Premises to transact the following business:
To recite Tilawate Quran – E –Sharif
1. Speech by Chairman or Secretary
2. To read and confirm the minutes of the Sarkar Tower Co-Operative Housing Society held on 09 August 2009.
3. To receive the Annual Report of the working of the society and the income and expenditure Account for the year 2009-2010 and the Balance Sheet as of
31st March 2010.
4. To read and adopt the statuary Audit report on the Audit of Account of the society for the year 2009-2010 received from Mr. J. N. Nikam along with
rectification report of the Managing Committee thereon.
5. To appoint a certified Auditor from the panel Maintained by the Divisional Registrar Co-Op. Society Mumbai Division, Mumbai to Audit the Accounts of the
Society for the year 2009-2010.
6. To discuss pending conveyance matter.
7. To consider completion of Re-furbishing of the lobby, Re-furbishing of the society office and adjacent office, landscaping of the compound, Painting of the
building and to discuss sources of funds for the same.
8. To consider the possibility of installation of and to discuss solar lighting by hybrid system.
9. To discuss and carry our water leakages for certain flats, before painting of the building.
10. To discuss encroachment of flat owners on the staircase area and for dumping old left over materials. To discuss Fire Brigade Norms and regulations.
11. To discuss penalties and action on flat owners who default on payments, Throwing Water in the compound while watering of plants or while washing of
12. To discuss parking issues with Sarkar Tower – II.
13. To consider any other business that may be brought forward with the permission of chair and for which Notice has
been given to the Committee at least five days in advance of the date of Meeting and to take decision thereon.
14. Transfer of Flat No 1301 from Mr. Ali Ismail DIngankar to Mr. Asgarali Contractor.& Mrs. Nisreeen Contractor.
15. To discuss transfer of flat 203 from Farida Abbas Tinwala to Moiz Aliasgar Tinwala.
Place : Mumbai
Dated : 22 July 2010
By Order of
Honorary Secretary
If there is no quorum till 10.30 AM, the meeting shall be adjourned to 11.00 AM on the same day and at such adjourned meeting the business on agenda shall be transacted whether there is quorum or not.
If Members have any questions relating to the statement of accounts and annual report for the year 2009-2010 they should inform the same to Hon, Secretary at least 3 days prior to the A.G.M. to facilitate discussion.