Letter to the Builder for Conveyance drafted by Mr. M Singaorewala

Posted by Saifee Dohadwala on Thursday, July 22, 2010

From :



Mr. Saifee Dohadwala & Others

Flat Purchasers of Sarkar Towers I and II,

Motisha X lane

Mazgaon, Mumbai





M/s. Sarkar Builders.

Hotel Metro Palace Building,

Bandra (W),



                                      Sub : Conveyance in respect of property bearing

                                               C.S. Nos. 1/382 and 390 of Mazgaon

                                               Division in respect of the buildings known

                                               As Sarkar Towers I and II Co-op. Hsg.

                                                   Society Ltd., Mazgaon, Mumbai  





Dear Sir,  


This has reference to the discussion Sheikh Mohammedbhai Kachwala had with Mr. Afzalbhai Lakad, Partner of M/s. Sarkar Builders who had agreed to give the Conveyance in respect of the above said property in favor of the Society.





          We had a discussion with our Solicitor, who required the following documents for the preparation of the Conveyance in favor of the Society.





         You are requested to kindly furnish the following documents at earliest to enable us to proceed further:





1)      Copy of Property Register Card in respect of C.S. Nos. 1/382 and 390 of Mazgaon Division;





2)      Copy of Agreement dated 01.05.1987 between Taheri Scholarship Society with Sarkar Builders and Jamnadas Meghji and Purshotam Meghji & Others;





3)      Copy of Charity Commissioner Order dated 17.07.1990 and supplement order dated 16.09.1991;





4)      Copy of Occupation permission along with IOD/CC;





5)      The copy of the Order from the Collector releasing the Leasehold right in the property;





6)      List of all the original flat purchasers along with the details of stamp duty paid and registration number;





7)      List of the transfer of flat from the original flat owners along with the stamp duty paid and registration number;





8)      Copy of Society Registration Certificate;





9)      Copy of the Municipality Assessment bill;





10)    Copy of the order of sub division or amalgamation of Plot in respect of two C.S. numbers;





11)    Copy of amalgamation order consuming the total FSI of the above said property;





          Needless to impress upon you that under the MOFA Act “it is the obligation on the part of the Builder/Developer to give the Conveyance in favor of the Society.





          Kindly do the needful.





                                                                   Yours faithfully,













                                                                   (Saifee Dohadwala)